Former Ohio Bobcat basketball player placed on FIBA suspension list for submitting pregnant woman’s urine to a drug test

From Hustlebelt: by James H. Jimenez

Here is an idea, when you are taking a drug test make sure the urine is clean AND (if you’re a man) not from a pregnant woman…
DJ Cooper, former Ohio University Bobcats star and March Madness hero, received a suspension from FIBA, basketball’s international body, last season for attempting to cheat a drug test.
Sure, players get suspended fairly often for trying to get away with doping or recreational drugs, but in this case, it’s a bit different. Per RTV, as translated by EuroHoops, Cooper tested positive for pregnancy, resulting in his immediate suspension for fraud.
More specifically, Cooper– or rather, the urine Cooper submitted– tested positive for the hormone gHC, which is produced by a placenta after impregnation.
Find this bizarre story here!